Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Phasellus volutpat ullamcorper orci id laoreet. Donec vitae aliquet purus, et cursus libero. Mauris tellus nisl, eleifend id neque quis, bibendum laoreet nisi. Duis blandit at tellus at convallis. Suspendisse lobortis ante vitae dictum viverra. Donec vel dignissim justo, at pellentesque mi.

Ut pellentesque justo a nisi tempor, ac mattis est sodales. Nullam accumsan commodo quam vestibulum rutrum. Praesent id lobortis nunc. Morbi vehicula, enim vel viverra elementum, velit libero faucibus felis, vitae tristique erat erat sit amet dolor. Morbi faucibus dui id nulla hendrerit posuere. Proin ut varius elit. Aliquam at metus vel ligula consequat imperdiet ac eget tortor. Etiam ante justo, pharetra quis malesuada ut, tincidunt nec felis. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc eu euismod urna. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas erat lectus, aliquam eu diam eu, iaculis porta massa.

Fusce laoreet lorem sed egestas luctus. Donec a egestas odio, vitae pharetra elit. Maecenas vitae mauris vel massa hendrerit dapibus vitae vel enim. Proin in quam finibus, vestibulum velit vitae, sollicitudin orci. Vivamus ut porta diam. Nullam eget dolor in nunc ultrices varius ac quis elit. Pellentesque at felis et libero consequat rhoncus.

The arc of racial justice in the United States must bend towards the right to vote, and towards representation.

They haven’t always kept pace. It’s impossible to view the “current political climate” apart from race.

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Multi-party democracy is what happens whenever PR is used elsewhere; it’s what would also happen with PR in the United States.

People of color gain when there are more political parties to choose from… and be part of.

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Lani Guinier: A voice America needed to hear, but was denied the chance.

A voice we must hear now.

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Remedies under the Voting RIghts Act(s) -- a better way to represent the interests of People of Color.

Successfully used under the federal VRA since 1988; state VRAs can make it easier.

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Remedies under the Voting RIghts Act(s) -- a better way to represent the interests of People of Color.

Successfully used under the federal VRA since 1988; state VRAs can make it easier.

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When PR was given a chance in the US, it effectively represented the interests of political and racial minorities.

That’s why hostile majorities usually took away that opportunity

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Single Transferable Vote (STV), a multi-winner form of ranked choice voting, is a preferred form of proportional representation in the US.

Learn more, including how it works.

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There are different ways to honor the principle of proportionality, at all levels of government.

here are also important ways to recognize and avoid systems that dishonor it. Visit our Racial Equity Voting Systems Primer

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